Friday 5 February 2010

Our Videos
These are our out-takes from our footage. We decided to include these partially for comedy value, but also to add to our website to make it seem more realistic as a film website. Although blooper wheels are more commonly found on the dvd itself, we felt that it made create a more realistic sense to the website. We also did not want to waste any footage!
This is our actual teaser trailer for our thriller 'Desire'. At present, there is some tweaking to do towards the end of the footage, but we feel that we ought to get feedback from the class and teacher at its current state.
This is our footage which we edited before making our trailer to understand the story, for example to create a clear linear narrative. There is little difference between this and our trailer, although clips were shortened and moved in the trailer to make it flashier. In many ways this was our first draft of creating a trailer.

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