Friday 27 November 2009

KLSS Website

Today we spent our lesson completing the storyboard, and the website.

===The homepage we decided would include a plot-synopsis and links to the various pages.
===Possible a slider of some sort, or maybe simple images and short biography. ===>Changed; used a powerpoint similar image with television flickering to make it fit with the idea of being watched.
===Like a bibliography to reference songs within our trailer. Tbc.
===Will eventually show our film teaser trailer and maybe some brief analysis.
-Photo Gallery
===Will show basic images of our filming process and on-site shots so the audience can view what went on with our filming, but also to emphasise the feeling of being watched which is what our story is about.
-Blooper Wheel
===In many ways, just for fun. But we think it would be nice to fill up some room within our page and make sure that our spare footage is not put to waste!
-(Film Poster)
===As its part of the project, we feel that this must be displayed on the site. But we may try get it to fit our website in many ways.

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