Friday 4 December 2009

Film Stills

The main purpose of this photoshoot was to capture the interest of the audience with the antagonist of the piece. This is important as it gives the audience the opportunity to speculate and also see from another perspective. We also drop subtle and not so subtle hints to the stalkers identity, and this is vital to stick with a conventional thriller. We had this kind of scene planned from the moment we changed to a thriller as we saw the artisticness that could be involved, along with a gateway to use it as a reoccurring image in our trailer.

Excuse large size of pictures, shall be resized!
Within this photoshoot, it shows the mysterious stalker cuting and sticking the letters needed for our little burn letter. Notice the picture of Lucy? This is to provide a clue to the audience of who the stalker is... or is it a red herring? It is a very freaky image, and gives a true sense of enigma.

This image again gives Enigma. What is the message? What is it going to say?

This photo has a clearer focus on the process to make it feel very uncomfortable for the audience, and with the over the shoulder shot, we can see it from his or her perspective. And with the black clothing it helps raise suspicion to the truth of the figure.

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