Tuesday 8 December 2009


Our web-page being an ongoing process within the project and has changed dramatically since we first started. Originally, we were going with a RomCom and so the entire colour scheme, ideas and layout have obviously changed to be fitting with our new genre of a THRILLER. Instead of being to conventional with typical black and grey, spy like colour schemes, we thought we'd make it feel more personal and intruding. This can be seen through various photos of the cast together1 and apart, making it feel as though someone has been taking photos of them, and this fits with our idea of our protagonist Isabelle being stalked by whom the audience will be forced to presume is the ex-boyfriend. This is emphasised on the site as the photos are of the pair. We also used lots of paper images2 and collated these to make it seem like a desk or noteboard with coffee stains and stamps3 to help make it feel even more personal as though the audience are the stalker of 'Desire'.

We also had some debate on what we needed to include on the website. For instance, we knew we had to add the poster and trailer as it was part of the board requirements. After browsing websites we realised that to make it seem more fitting, we added other pages such as a cast list (found on almost every film site), gallery and soundtrack to make the page feel more professional, rather then just a a level piece (which in fairness is why we chose the transition from RomCom to Thriller in the first place so we could produce something that would atleast feel more professional rather then an amateur piece of work).
1-Photos taken of the casts respective Facebook page, with permission
2-Background and clip art taken from the WIX editing panel, free with website.
3-Extra clip art and images taken from the WIX editing panel, free with website.

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